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Laser Hair Removal:

Dr. Benjamin Barankin offers the most up to date, safe and effective hair reduction technology and treatment programs. Multiple lasers and light sources are used to treat all skin types. Patients with unwanted facial or body hair can be treated. The most commonly treated areas are the legs, underarms, back, face, upper lip, neck, chest, bikini area and stomach. All skin types and colours are candidates for this procedure, though individuals with red, blonde, or silver hair do not generally respond well to this treatment.

During treatment, the laser emits a light that is selectively absorbed by pigment in the hair follicle resulting in overall hair reduction of the treated area. Patients need only grow the hair 2-3 days prior to treatment. The procedure is well-tolerated with minimal discomfort, redness and puffiness that quickly goes away. The procedure takes 15-45 minutes depending on the areas treated and patients can immediately return to regular activities. A series of treatments is recommended for best results.

Results are dependent on many factors including skin colour and hair, location, coarseness of the hair, exposure to the sun and energy level of the laser. Patients require at least 5 treatments every 6-8 weeks to target hairs that might have been in the sleeping phase during treatment. After laser treatments some patients notice a dramatic reduction in the number of hairs and a decrease in rate of hair growth. Permanent reduction of up to 90% can be achieved.

Cost is dependent on the area treated, so please call the office of Dr. Barankin for more information.
